Saturday March 24th, 2018

Team WOD

In teams of four, with two people working at each station, complete the following for time:

Station 1:

  • 2000m Row
  • 100 Alternating Dumbell Snatches (50#/35#)

Station 2:

  • 100 Lateral Plate Hopping Burpees*
  • 100 Partner Wall Balls (20#/14#)

Once both teams of two finish the work at their station, both teams will switch to complete the work of the other station.

One person working at a time.  The reps must be completed in order.  Split up reps however you wish.

*Lateral Plate Hopping Burpees: perform a burpee and jump laterally onto a 35# plate, finishing the rep by hopping off the plate to the opposite side in which you started.


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