October 2016

Saturday October 15th, 2016

Partner WOD In teams of two, with only one person working at a time, complete as many rounds + reps as possible in 25 minutes: 50 Deadlifts (155#/103#) 50 Handstand Push-ups (sub hand release push-ups) 50 Hang Cleans (155#/103) 50 Alternating Pistols (sub 2 count lunges) 50 Shoulder-to-Overhead (155#/103#) 50 Calorie Row  

Wednesday October 12th, 2016

Strength/Accessory A1. 3 x 6 Romanian Deadlifts @ 50%-60% 1RM Deadlift A2. 3 x 8 Parallette Pass Throughs -or- 8 Hollow Rocks + 8 Supermans A3. 3 x 20 Russian Twists w/ Kettlebell Conditioning 2 Rounds for time: 800m Run 50 Abmat Sit-ups 15 Deadlifts (245#/163#)  

Tuesday October 11th, 2016

Strength A1. Push Press 5×5 @ 70% 1RM Rest :30 A2. Strict Chin-ups 5×5 w/ 4 second lower (weighted if possible) Rest :90 Conditioning 5 rounds for time: 15 Kb Swings (60#/44#) 12 One Armed Kb Push Press (6 each arm – 60#/44#) 20 yard Handstand Walk (scale 3 Wall Climbs)

Saturday October 8th, 2016

Team WOD In teams of three, complete the following: 5k Row 150 Thrusters (95#/63#) 150 Ball Slams (40#/30#) All three teammates can work simultaneously. Switch at will. Once you finish one movement, you can tag team the others until all reps are completed.